‘Taste of Fall Fair’ at Swarthmore Presbyterian Church
The grill team at the 2017 Fall Fair.
Open Air Fair: Saturday, October 3, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
727 Harvard Avenue
For over 40 years this local church fair—traditionally held the first Saturday in October—has been a gathering place for the community. This year the fair will adapt to the moment by being held outdoors, in the large parking lot behind the church. People will still be able to sample aromas and flavors — either via controlled in-person shopping or curbside pickup — and catch up with friends and neighbors.
Online Ordering
Signature Fall Fair foods and a handful of plants are available for preorder. Pick up your items at each booth or opt for curbside pickup.
Bonus With Purchase: Fair T-shirts
As long as supplies last.
Fairgrounds Dining: BYO Seating
Those interested in eating lunch are invited to bring a large blanket or folding chairs. Grassy spaces on the Harvard Avenue lawn and in the McCabe Garden will be available.
Fair Grounds Access and COVID Safety
Entrance to the fair will be from Harvard Avenue at the “Swarthmore Presbyterian Church” sign. All fairgoers will be asked to complete a brief COVID self-screening within 24 hours before attending the fair. This may be done online at swat.ink/fall-fair. Greeters will have paper copies for those who did not complete the online form. Masks required.
Traffic Flow and Parking
Harvard Avenue will be one-way from Yale Avenue to Chester Road, so please enter from Yale Avenue. Parking will be available in the lot across the street from the church. Curbside pickup will be from the left lane of Harvard Avenue, directly in front of the church.
More information is available online or by contacting the church office at 610-543-4712 or parish@swarthmorepres.org.