Mad Poets’ ‘First Wednesday’ Reading
Poet Dilruba Ahmed. Photo: Mike Drzal
On October 7, the Mad Poets Society’s “First Wednesday” reading series will feature Swarthmore resident Dilruba Ahmed and Swarthmore College alumna Keetje Kuipers. The program will be on Zoom from 7 to 9 p.m., and will conclude with an open mic session at which anyone may read a poem.
Dilruba Ahmed is the author of the collections “Bring Now the Angels” and “Dhaka Dust.” Her poems have appeared in the Kenyon Review, the New England Review, and the New York Times Magazine, and work of hers was included in last year’s edition of the Best American Poetry anthology series.
Keetje Kuipers is the author of three books of poems, “Beautiful in the Mouth,” “All Its Charms,” and “The Keys to the Jail” (chosen as a book club selection by the online literary magazine The Rumpus). Her poems have been included in Best American Poetry anthologies and have appeared in over a hundred magazines. They have also been featured on the Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day series, and read on National Public Radio.
Register to receive the Zoom link. For more information, contact Sibelan Forrester at or 610-328-8162.