Help the Lions Club provide holiday baskets
To the Community,
Scenes from the 2019 basket drive
On the morning of Thursday, December 24, the Swarthmore Lions Club will be delivering festively decorated boxes of food — each one containing a rotisserie chicken, some canned goods, some fresh produce, and a dessert — to needy individuals and families in the city of Chester and around Delaware County, to help make their holiday a little more enjoyable. The Lions Club has been organizing this annual Holiday Basket Drive every Christmas Eve for at least 40 years. It has become a cherished holiday tradition, both for the Lions and for the members of the community who have participated in the project over the years. The Boy Scouts, the Cub Scouts, and the Swarthmore Co-op have also partnered with us to make this project happen.
Fundraising in previous years has historically enabled us to purchase and deliver between 40 and 60 holiday baskets, but this year, as we all know, things are different. The club has not yet been able to raise the amount we typically raise (mostly because this year’s Fun Fair 5K run and Independence Eve 8K run both had to be cancelled). As a result, we don’t yet have enough to cover the cost of delivering 40 baskets (the number we delivered last year).
Could you please consider making a small donation to support this year’s Holiday Basket Drive? Any contribution would be appreciated. Checks can be made out to the Swarthmore Lions Club and mailed to P.O. Box 514, Swarthmore, PA 19081. Thank you!
We may need additional drivers. If you are interested, please email:
Jim Ryan
Swarthmore Lions Club