Old Glory should be a symbol of unity
A photo of Lev Boonin and his father carrying the flag at Henderson Field. Photo: Melissa Hoy
To the Editor,
Upon hearing of the impending victory of Joe Biden as the next president of the United States, my father and I picked up an American flag, draped it over our shoulders, and went out for a walk to celebrate. As we walked however, we encountered multiple people who were unnerved by it, because they believed us to be right-wing agitators. Such an impression was tragically understandable. For the last several years, we have seen the symbol of our nation co-opted into almost a symbol of hate. The notion of patriotism conflated with nationalism. Let us be clear, a patriot loves their neighbor and their country equally, they cannot love only one. No party, no ideology, no person is entitled to the sole use of our national symbol.
As our nation enters a time of healing, we must heal our affiliations with our symbols of national pride. To drape the flag over one’s shoulders in celebration is just as patriotic as to kneel before it in protest. Our flag is a symbol of the freedom to both celebrate and critique our nation, not blind obedience nor hatred. The red, white, and blue should be a symbol of unity, of hope, and the American promise of liberty and justice for all. Let us reclaim our flag from the clutches of the bigoted, and raise Old Glory high and proud over a more equal, free, and United States of America.
Lev Boonin