Swarthmore Fire & Protective Association Report (August 23 to September 5)
Engine 14-1, the attack pumper (center), flanked by engine 14-2 (right) and tower 14. The photo was taken with a 12-mm fisheye lens. The photographer, Andy Shelter, writes, “The trucks were all parked normally. It’s just the lens that makes it look that way.” Photo: Andy Shelter
The ambulance responded to 37 calls for medical assistance. These were to Swarthmore, Rutledge, Morton, Springfield, Ridley Twp., Rose Valley and Nether Providence Twp. The calls were for a variety of emergencies including: respiratory emergency (covid-19), sick person (covid-19—2 cases), fall w/trauma, unconscious person, change in mental status, lift assist, psychiatric emergency, overdose, CerebroVascular event, hemorrhaging, diabetic emergency, abdominal pain, medical alarm, congestive heart failure, hypertension, syncopal, carbon monoxide alarm, subject down, and cardiac arrest.
Automatic Alarms
Swarthmore (5)—300 block of Chestnut Ave. for a smoke or fire alarm going off inside; 900 block of Strath Haven Ave. for a general fire alarm; 10 block of S. Princeton Ave. for a 2nd fl. bedroom smoke alarm; 200 block of S. Chester Rd. for a smoke detector activation; and 400 block of Rutgers Ave. for a ground fl. smoke alarm. Nether Providence Twp. (1)—400 block of Manchester Ave. for a 2nd fl. smoke alarm. Morton (1)—401 Baltimore Pike for a smoke detector activation.
Building Alarms
Ridley Twp. (1)—400 block of Buchanan Ave. for a working building fire (photo & story last week). Morton, (2)—200 block of Walnut St. for an odor of electrical burning (two separate calls).
Mutual Aid Calls
Morton (3), Ridley Twp. (1), and Nether Providence (1).