The Swarthmorean Welcomes Summer Intern Morgan McErlean — The Swarthmorean

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The Swarthmorean Welcomes Summer Intern Morgan McErlean

The Swarthmorean Welcomes Summer Intern Morgan McErlean

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Morgan McErlean, a rising senior at Strath Haven High School, will be joining The Swarthmorean as an intern this summer. 

Morgan is involved in the writing community at the high school. This year, she pursued a semester-long independent study, in which she focused on creative writing and the analysis of film and literature. She will join the school’s newspaper, The Panther Press, as an editor in the fall. 

Morgan is also a member of Philly Young Playwrights, a youth playwriting organization in Philadelphia. Last fall, she took part in their digital storytelling workshop, Our Community Voices, in which she and other students documented their experience during the pandemic. In the spring, Morgan joined their resident playwrights’ program, as part of which she wrote a three-act play, Rain and Days. The play explores the emotional conflict that arises in choosing whether to pursue a past or current relationship.

Some of Morgan’s other interests, which she wishes to bring to her work at The Swarthmorean, include novels written by female authors (favorites are Jane Austen, Octavia Butler, and Elizabeth Strout), community service and betterment, and the pursuit of equality, particularly based on gender and race, and for marginalized groups. 

Having lived in Swarthmore for most of her life, Morgan has found The Swarthmorean to be an integral part of the Swarthmore experience. It provides a glimpse of various residents’ lives, and it takes on the responsibility to provide an accurate picture of all the community’s facets. Morgan is excited to have the opportunity to contribute to The Swarthmorean and to serve Swarthmore and its surrounding communities.

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