The Rose Tree Summer Festival Returns — The Swarthmorean

Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

The Rose Tree Summer Festival Returns

The Rose Tree Summer Festival Returns


The Delaware County Department of Parks and Recreation recently announced that Rose Tree Park’s Summer Festival concert series will return. 

The nine-week concert season opens on Saturday, June 26, featuring several ensembles from the Delaware County Symphony, a community orchestra performing under Music Director Sebastian Grand.

Concerts run on Wednesday through Sunday evenings. Show time is 7:30 p.m. with two exceptions: The children’s shows by Steve Pullara & His Cool Beans Band (July 2) and the Singalong with Peter Moses (July 29) both take place at 10 a.m.

Each evening features different entertainment, and fans will find a wide variety of genres throughout the summer, including Rock, Pop, Blues, Jazz, R&B, Reggae, Big Band and more. There are also special concerts for children, theatrical rock tributes, and a night of ballet.

“Rose Tree’s Summer Festival is a treasured Delco tradition that we know was sorely missed last year, and we are thrilled to bring it back,” said Marc Manfre, director of the Delaware County Parks and Recreation Department. “Our staff members are just as excited as the fans who have been calling and emailing us.”

Manfre noted that a few modifications have been implemented this year out of an abundance of caution, such as the addition of hand sanitizing stations, an increase in the frequency of cleaning, and the elimination of concession stands. 

The audience should bring blankets and chairs for seating, and may bring their own picnic provisions. Alcohol and smoking are prohibited. Leashed dogs are allowed in the outer viewing areas on the hilltops and must remain outside of “the bowl.”

The Summer Festival runs from June 26 – August 22 and will be closed on July 3 and 4.  Concerts are weather permitting; there are no rain dates. Admission and parking are free. Handicapped parking is available. For more information please call 610-891-4455 or visit

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