Test-to-Stay Program a Go
At a meeting of the Wallingford Swarthmore School District’s school board on Monday, October 25, a presentation on the COVID Test-to-Stay program was given by Mary Figura, who is the board secretary and assistant to Superintendent Dr. Wagner Marseille, and by Deb Sweeney, the district’s lead COVID nurse. Dr. Marseille said he believes that this program will help support the board as it navigates COVID challenges.
Case data as on 10/29/21 provided by Covid Act Now.
Ms. Figura began by reviewing the current Delaware County transmission rate, the district’s vaccination rate, and the number of COVID cases in the district. She noted that the seven-day metrics have not changed very much: the transmission rates at the high school are still high. However, cases and hospital admissions have gone down, and the number of fully vaccinated students has gone up in grades 7 through 12. “A slow, but sure progress,” she added.
She reported that a “Student Vaccination Interest Survey” was sent to parents last week to gauge interest in vaccination clinics for students 5 years of age and up. Pending the announcement of initial vaccine rollout dates, the first clinics at Springfield Pharmacy have been tentatively scheduled for November 29, December 20, and January 12. She also encouraged families and community members to schedule a vaccination.
Ms. Figura also resported that the Pandemic Team has recommended that the district adopt the Test-to-Stay program. Test-to-Stay is a comprehensive strategy to identify SARS-CoV-2 infection in schools; it is aimed at maintaining in-person instruction and extracurricular activities for the school community. She noted that it has been approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and has been implemented by other Delaware County and Montgomery County school districts.
Lead COVID Nurse Deb Sweeney described the Test-to-Stay program, protocols, and requirements. She began the presentation by showing slides that covered the program’s highlights.
She explained that it is a voluntary program for any students and staff who have been identified by a COVID patient as in-school close contacts, and who have therefore potentially been exposed to the virus. (In the absence of a Test-to-Stay program these contacts would be required to quarantine.) Parents whose child has come in close contact with someone in their school who has tested positive for COVID will be notified about this by email. If they wish their child to participate in the Test-to-Stay program instead of quarantining, they will need to complete a consent form that will be attached to this notification email.
Under the Test-to-Stay program, any staff and students who are notified that they have been identified as a close in-school contact will take series of three COVID-19 rapid antigen tests over a 10-day period — between days 1 and 2, days 3 and 4, and days 5 and 7. (If a participant experiences a challenge in wearing a mask, they will take a fourth test between days 8 and 10.) The program will use the BinaxNOW Rapid Antigen test.
If any of the participants in the Test-to-Stay program test positive, they will need to leave school and isolate for 10 days.
All close in-school contacts will be required to wear a mask indoors while at school during the entire period mandated by the Test-to-Stay program—even if they test negative every time. (The Delaware County Intermediate Unit understands that there are some students who have difficulty wearing a mask due to their disability, and accommodations are already in place for these individuals.)
The tests will be administered at a drive-through location in front of the gym at the high school, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, in the early morning. High school students should come for testing between 6:45 and 7:10 a.m.; middle school students between 7:10 and 7:35 a.m.; and elementary students between 7:35 and 8:15 a.m.
Ms. Sweeney said that she and another nurse will be present at the drive-through location. (She also noted that a bad flu season has been forecasted, and recommended that everyone get a flu shot.)
The projected start date for the Test-to-Stay program is November 1.
The board approved a contract with Open Sky to install solar panels on the Panther Pit snack bar. The panels and installation funds have been donated. Dr. Marseille noted that, if it turns out that additional funds are needed to complete the project—within reason—the funds will come out of the operating budget.
Superintendent Dr. Marseille encouraged community members to consider attending all meetings, especially the next meeting of the Educational Affairs Committee, on November 4, and the next meeting of the Facilities and Finance Committee, on November 17. At this month’s Education Affairs meeting, the 2022-2023 calendar will be discussed. Meetings take place in Room B-226 in the Teaching and Learning Center at Strath Haven Middle School. The dates for all committee meetings can be found on the board’s website at wssd.org.
Addressing the Board
During the audience comment period, seven parents addressed the board on various topics including contact tracing and testing, mask exemptions and mandates, graphic language in books that are housed in the libraries at Strath Haven High School and Strath Haven Middle School, and the district’s food service menus. In addition, three parents spoke about the mental health vulnerabilities and high risk of suicide for LGBTQ and transgendered students. One of those parents spoke about bullying that her son had witnessed concerning his friend who came out as transgendered. These parents applauded the school board’s Policy 259-AG-1: Gender Expansive and Transgender Students—Ensuring Equity and Nondiscrimination. They also expressed appreciation for the board’s help in creating a safe space for LGBTQ and transgendered students to grow.
Readers are encouraged to view all the parents’ comments on the school district’s YouTube page.