A Bundle of Resources from SPL — The Swarthmorean

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A Bundle of Resources from SPL

A Bundle of Resources from SPL

With the shift to virtual learning in district schools, many families are concerned about how much time their kids are spending in front of screens. Parents are worried, too, about their ability to support and help teach their kids. Swarthmore Public Library has put together educational “book bundles” on a range of topics to help. 

Each bundle contains four books from the juvenile or young adult nonfiction collection. They focus particularly on STEM themes, and on topics relevant to the election. 

For example, the “space” bundle includes: “When Is a Planet Not a Planet? The Story of Pluto” by Elaine Scott, “Stars and Galaxies (Astronaut Travel Guides)” by Isabel Thomas, “Boy, Were We Wrong About the Solar System” by Kathleen V. Kudlinski, and, “Astronomy Lab for Kids: 52 Family-Friendly Activities” by Michelle Nichols. These books present information on the history of astronomy and how that science has evolved over time. They offer experiments and activities, too. 

Other bundles include books on coding, trees, space, voting, U.S. government, civics, and engineering. The material is meant to complement school lessons. Librarians say they are happy to work with parents or teachers to develop bundles on particular topics.

Book bundle themes are listed on the library website under “Home Classroom Resources.” Library users are welcome to browse the available bundles in the library, or to call to request one for curbside pick-up at 610-543-0436.

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