First Amendment on the Agenda for Constitution Day Talk
Daniel Korobkin
In its October 2019 term, the Supreme Court will consider whether language in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (“because of . . . sex”) encompasses discrimination based on sexual orientation. The EEOC has said yes, and two circuit courts have agreed. Some small business owners have insisted on First Amendment free exercise rights to be exempt from generally applicable non-discrimination laws when it comes to hiring, or providing certain services, to LGBTQ citizens.
One of these cases comes out of Michigan, filed by the Michigan ACLU and its new legal director, Daniel Korobkin of the Swarthmore College class of 2002. Dan will speak at Swarthmore on Monday, September 16, at 7:30 p.m. in Science 101 (Chang Hou Hall) about these issues for Constitution Day (officially recognized on September 17). The talk, “Of Wedding Cakes and Funeral Homes: Religious Refusals, the First Amendment, and the Supreme Court,” is free and open to the public. It is sponsored by the college’s President’s Office, Department of Political Science, and Lang Center for Civic and Social Engagement.