Gather this Fall with Friends and Interesting Guests
Members of the SSCA invite you to The Gathering Place luncheon programs this autumn.
Join our line-up! The Board of Directors of the Swarthmore Senior Citizens Association cordially invites you to its Wednesday midday programs, held from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Swarthmore United Methodist Church.
Begun by Alice “Putty” Willets and the late Irma Zimmer in 1998, The Gathering Place, as it is known, features weekly presentations ranging from the latest news about the Borough to local businesses and from health issues to art history and musical performances.
For its first session of the new season, on September 11, Beth Murray will report on the results of the Town Center Study, begun two years ago and sponsored by the Centennial Foundation. Come hear what’s in store for Swarthmore in the future.
Did you know that Pennsylvania is ranked 31st in the U.S.A. for gender equality? On September 18, Rebecca Reeves of the New Choices Development Program will share her knowledge and insight about the economic inequality of women right here in Delaware County. Ms. Reeves will share information the causes of inequality and how people can help.
The Swarthmorean Live! On September 25, Todd Strine, Greg Hoy, and Rob Borgstrom will give updates on their learning curve as the new owners of the paper as well as their plans for the future. Come hear why local news is important.
The October 2 session will feature Abigail Ferris Masters, a student in geropsychology. Ms. Masters is also program director at Impressions at Bryn Mawr. She will speak about dementia: its initial signs and symptoms, management at its early stages, and ways to support caregivers.
Skipping October 9 due to Yom Kippur, The Gathering Place resumes on October 16 with a program centering on food. Yes, it’s fall and time for warm casseroles. Comfort food! Please bring a small-size portion of your favorite casserole and copies of the recipe to share with other hungry and like-minded folks.
On October 23, Olga Antonyuk, program director of Compeer, will discuss this organization that matches caring adults in one-to-one, co-equal friendships with people of the same gender who are in mental health recovery. This organization, headquartered in the Swarthmore Borough, does estimable work in our area.
Completing the October programming on the 30th will be Dr. William E. Watson, professor of history at Immaculata University and the director of the Duffy’s Cut Project. Professor Watson and his brother, recalling a ghost story told them in their youth, set out to find the truth. They discovered a mass grave near Malvern, Pa. This modern-day ghost story will reveal what was found at the site now known as Duffy’s Cut.
Please note that sandwiches and salad are provided, free of charge, by Occasionally Yours on the first Wednesday of each month. Pizza will be available, for $1 a slice, on the third Wednesday of each month. Your own “brown bag” will be your lunch on the other Wednesdays. Beverages and dessert always provided.