Mad Poets Convene for Reading August 7 at CAC
Linda M. Fischer
The Mad Poets Society presents Linda Fischer and Joseph Dorazio as the featured artists at its First Wednesday reading on August 7 at the Community Arts Center in Wallingford. After Fischer and Dorazio read, starting at 7 p.m., there will be an intermission with light refreshments, followed by an open mic session for anyone who wishes to share their work with the group.
Swarthmore resident Linda M. Fischer won the 2019 Philadelphia Writers’ Conference poetry contest for her poem “White” (under Poems on her website:, and she was a finalist in the 2019 Orchard Street Press poetry contest. Her poems have appeared recently in many journals and reviews. She was among the winners of Atlanta Review’s 2010 International Poetry Contest and a finalist in 2014 and 2016. Twice a Pushcart Prize nominee, she has two published collections: Raccoon Afternoons and Glory.
Joseph Dorazio
Joseph Dorazio uses non-traditional metrical schemes and surprising, often delicious sonic effects, including end rhyme, internal rhyme, off-rhyme, and alliteration, and many of his poems show a masterful command of word choice in the service of denotation, connotation, and tone. The language and imagery are economical and uncompromising, while the sounds are often lavish, with intriguing internal rhymes and tongue-twisting series of alliterative effects.
Admission to the Mad Poets reading is free and open to all. CAC is at 414 Plush Mill Road in Wallingford. For more information, contact Sibelan Forrester at