Schoolhouse Center Booking Mockingbird Trip — The Swarthmorean

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Schoolhouse Center Booking Mockingbird Trip

Schoolhouse Center Booking Mockingbird Trip

Jeff Daniels

Jeff Daniels

A great American novel is now a great American play, which will begin its second year on Broadway with a new star. You can be part of it by joining Schoolhouse Center in a one-day trip to see To Kill a Mockingbird at the Shubert Theater on Broadway on Saturday, November 16. 

Jeff Daniels is being replaced as Atticus Finch by another estimable actor, Ed Harris, who starred in Apollo 13, The Rock, The Truman Show, The Right Stuff, and A Beautiful Mind. Harper Lee’s novel is adapted for the stage by Aaron Sorkin.

For an all-inclusive price of $232 per person, the trip will include orchestra side tickets, roundtrip bus fare, and lunch at Planet Hollywood with choice of entrees — the meal and all tips are also taken care of. Tickets are limited; act now. A ticket deposit of $140 must be received by August 8. Adults of any age are welcome; you don’t have to be a Schoolhouse Center member or a senior.

For information, call Kim McDaniel at 610-237-8100, or stop by Schoolhouse Center at 600 Swarthmore Ave. in Folsom.

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