Wellness Through Volunteering
Sheila Bell M. Ed. talked about the benefits of volunteering, both for the volunteer and the community.
Last week’s 2nd annual Wellness Fair, sponsored by the Swarthmore Senior Citizens and the Borough, explored the benefits and pleasures of volunteerism as one path to wellness. Led by Sheila Bell, participants leaned that volunteering connects you to others, is good for your mind and body, provides a sense of purpose, helps you stay physically healthy and brings fun and fulfillment to your life. She emphasized that these benefits are supported by research.
Some of the many opportunities Bell highlighted were Thresholds, a program to enable prison inmates make better choices, Rotary International’s emphasis on polio eradication and clean water projects, energy issues with aFewSteps.org, Heeding God’s Call to End Gun Violence, and various park cleanups. One participant commented that she never knew how many volunteer opportunities we have in her community!